In this video Zara Faris discusses the concept of feminism and Islam. She debates some of the common allegations made against Islam in respect to women.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses whether Islam is a fairy tale or truth. He shares a number of points which prove the fact that Islam is the truth. Additionally, he also conducts a short comparison between the Ottoman empire and modern capitalist states.
Jesus holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims.
Part 2: Believing in the Gospel revealed to Jesus is an essential aspect of
the Islamic faith and why Christendom in spite of not believing in Muhammad,
can have respect for him.
Main Speaker: Zayn al-Din al-Rikabi (edited by
In this video James Yee discusses his exciting story about how he came to Islam while serving for the US army and later went on becoming the Muslim chaplain at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.
In this video Jamal ud-Deen Hysaw shares his story about how he accepted Islam. He, like many other new Muslims, decided to accept Islam upon reading the autobiography of Malcom X.
In this video Preacher Moss discusses his story about how he accepted Islam. He also discusses his story of how he started his practice as a Muslim comedian.
In this short video, Baba Ali shares his journey to Islam highlighting the main events that led to his conversion and the peace he felt once he became a Muslim.
In this video Johari Abdul-Malik relates his story of how he came to Islam and details his life since his parents' marriage to show how slowly his life worked in an organized manner to lead him to Islam.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 4: Islam and the Muslim community,
the true God and entrance into the true faith.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 3: Leaving exile and returning to
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