In this video Craig Pinkey discusses how Islam changed him from being an individual who had no regard for his fellow human beings, a college dropout and a womanizer to a courteous, married man, who is on his away to receiving his masters degree.
In this video Hussain Thomas discusses how being kicked out of his house lead him to Islam. He shares how he went from the jail for harassing people to a kind, humble and loving human being.
In this video of the Deen Check Abu Bakr and Musa discuss how a person can go about accepting Islam. They also discuss some of the challenges that people considering Islam face both before and after accepting Islam.
In this video of The Deen Show, Eddie and Mauri Saalakhan discuss the importance of advocating justice in Islam. They primarily focus on the case of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and discuss many of the injustices that she has went through during her imprisonment.
The existence of God does not require evidence. Part 1 discusses
that belief in God is a self-evident truth and self-evident truths are cross-cultural,
innate and provide the basis for a coherent worldview.
In this lecture Abdullah Al Andalusi eloquently explains his reasons behind his acceptance of the Islamic faith. He also shares some insight on different ideologies he encountered in his search for truth.
An explanation of a Prophetic saying which
emphasis the importance of good character. And good character includes our relationship
with the Creator, ourselves and those around us.
Main Speaker: [edited by]
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