Yusuf Estes, Former Christian and Federal Prison Chaplain (part 5 of 5)

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Description: Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam.  Part 5: All become Muslim!

  • By Yusuf Estes
  • Published on 16 Jan 2006
  • Last modified on 31 Jul 2006
  • Printed: 1,368
  • Viewed: 50,541 (daily average: 7)
  • Rating: 3.7 out of 5
  • Rated by: 162
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My Wife Announces Her Islam!

So, I went upstairs to think things over a bit and began to talk to my wife about the whole subject.  She then told me that she too was going to enter into Islam, because she knew it was the truth.


I was really shocked now.  I went downstairs and woke up Mohamed and asked him to come outside with me for a discussion.  We walked and talked that whole night through.

Truth Had Come!

By the time he was ready to pray Fajr (the morning prayer of the Muslims) I knew that the truth had come at last and now it was up to me to do my part.  I went out back behind my father’s house and found an old piece of plywood lying under an overhang and right there I put my head down on the ground facing the direction that the Muslims pray five times a day.

Guide Me!  O God!  Guide Me!

Now then in that position, with my body stretched out on the plywood and my head on the ground, I asked: “O God.  If you are there, guide me, guide me.”

Sign Inside of Me

And then after a while I raised up my head and I noticed something.  No, I didn’t see birds or angels coming out of the sky, nor did I hear voices or music, nor did I see bright lights and flashes.  What I did notice was a change inside of me.  I was aware now more than ever before that it was time for me to stop any lying and doing anything sneaky.  It was time that I really work at being an honest and upright man.  I knew now what I had to do.

Wash Away the “OLD”

So I went upstairs and took a shower with the distinct idea that I was ‘washing’ away the sinful old person that I had become over the years.  And I was now coming into a new, fresh life.  A life based on truth and proof.

And Become New!

Around 11:00 A.M.  that morning, I stood before two witnesses, one the ex-priest, formerly known as Father Peter Jacob’s, and the other Mohamed Abel Rehman, and announced my ‘shahadah’ (open testimony to the Oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him).

“I bear witness, there is no deity to worship, except Almighty God, alone and He has no partners and I bear witness that Mohammad is His messenger and servant.”

My Wife Was Next

A few minutes later, my wife followed along and gave the same testimony.  But hers was in front of 3 witnesses (me being the third).

Then My Father

My father was a bit more reserved on the subject and waited a few more months before he made his shahadah (public testimony).  But he did finally commit to Islam and began offering prayers right along with me and the other Muslims in the local masjid (mosque).

Children Too!

The children were taken out of the Christian school and placed in Muslim schools.  And now ten years later, they are memorizing much of the Quran and the teachings of Islam.

Father’s Wife (Stepmother) Next

My father’s wife finally acknowledged, before she died, that Jesus could not be a son of God and that he must have been a mighty prophet of God, but not God.  She passed away within a few months of this statement at age 86.  May God accept her statement of faith, ameen.

Houseful of New Muslims - What’s next?

Now stop and think.  A whole entire household of people from varying backgrounds and ethnic groups coming together in truth to learn how to know and worship the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.  Think.  A Catholic priest; a minister of music and preacher of the Gospel; an ordained minister and builder of Christian schools; and the children, even a great-grandmother - they all come into Islam!

His Mercy and Guidance

Only by His Mercy were we all guided to see the real truth of Islam, by removing the coverings over our ears and the blinders on our eyes, no longer having seals over our hearts - He was Guiding us now.

So, now you have the introduction to the story of my coming into Islam and becoming Muslim.  There is more on the Internet about this story and there are more pictures there as well.  Please take the time to visit it and then please take the time to email me, and let us come together to share in all truths based on proofs for understanding our origins and our purpose and goals in this life and the Next Life.

Now since writing my story and publishing here on the internet many other websites have picked up this story and it had become a famous example of how “Priest and Preachers Are Coming to Islam.”

Again, I thank you for visiting.  And I thank our Christian friend for his email.  If he hadn’t sent it, I probably would still not have completed this task of putting down the story once and for all of how my family, friends and myself all came to Islam.

Please feel free to share this story with others.  You should print it out and make copies for everyone.  Give them our links, add our story to your website or blog page, and send out emails to everyone you know.  Maybe it could make a difference for others like us, God Willing.

May God guide you on your journey to all truth.  Ameen.  And May He open your heart and your mind to the reality of this world and the purpose of this life, ameen.

Peace to you and Guidance from God the One Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of all that exists.

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