Yusuf Estes, Former Christian and Federal Prison Chaplain (part 4 of 5)

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Description: Yusuf Estes, now an active preacher of Islam, humorously tells his story about entering Islam.  Part 4:A big home and lively discussions about religion.

  • By Yusuf Estes
  • Published on 16 Jan 2006
  • Last modified on 02 Feb 2006
  • Printed: 1,277
  • Viewed: 48,926 (daily average: 7)
  • Rating: 2.5 out of 5
  • Rated by: 82
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Priest in Latin America

The priest began to share his story of being a missionary for the church for over 12 years to south and Central America and Mexico and even in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen.  When he was released from the hospital he needed a place to go to recover and rather than let him go to stay with a Catholic family, I told my dad that we should invite him to come out and live with us in the country along with our families and Mohamed.  It was agreed by all that he would so, he moved out right away.

Priests Must Study ISLAM? - YES!

During the trip out to our home, I talked with the priest about some of the concepts of beliefs in Islam, and to my surprise he agreed and then shared even more about this with me.  I was shocked when he told me that Catholic priests actually study Islam and some even carry doctors degrees in this subject.  This was all very enlightening to me.  But there was still a lot more to come.

Different Versions of the Bible

After settling in, we all began to gather around the kitchen table after dinner every night to discuss religion.  My father would bring his King James Version of the Bible, I would bring out my Revised Standard Version of the Bible, my wife had another version of the Bible (maybe something like Jimmy Swaggart’s Good News for Modern Man.  The priest of course, had the Catholic Bible which has 7 more books in it that the Protestant Bible.  So we spent more time talking about which Bible was the right one or the most correct one, than we did trying to convince Mohamed about becoming a Christian.

Quran Has Only ONE Version - In Arabic - And Still Exists

At one point I recall asking him about the Quran and how many versions of it there were in the last 1,400 years.  He told me that there was only ONE QURAN.  And that it had never been changed.  Yet he let me know that the Quran had been memorized by hundreds of thousands of people in its entirety, and were scattered about the earth in many different countries.  Over the centuries since the Quran was revealed, millions have memorized it completely and have taught it to others who have memorized it completely, from cover to cover, letter perfect without mistakes.  Today, over 9 million Muslims have memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover.

How Could This Be?

This did not seem possible to me.  After all, the original languages of the Bible have all been dead languages for centuries, and the documents themselves have been lost in their originals for hundreds and thousands of years.  So, how could it be that something like this could be so easy to preserve and to recite from cover to cover.

Priest Goes to the Mosque

Anyway, one day the priest asked the Mohamed if he might accompany him to the mosque to see what it was like there.  They came back talking about their experience there and we could not wait to ask the priest what it was like and what all types of ceremonies they performed.  He said they didn’t really do anything.  They just came and prayed and left.  I said: They left? Without any speeches or singing?  “He said that was right.”

Priest Enters Islam!

A few more days went by and the Catholic priest asked Mohamed if he might join him again for a trip to the mosque which they did.  But this time it was different.  They did not come back for a very long time.  It became dark and we worried that something might have happened to them.  Finally they arrived and when they came in the door I immediately recognized Mohamed, but who was this alongside of him? Someone wearing a white robe and a white cap.  Hold on a minute!  It was the priest.  I said to him: Pete? -- Did you become a ‘Moslem?’

He said that he had entered into Islam that very day.  THE PRIEST BECAME A MUSLIM!!  What next? (You’ll see).

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