The human being is created, undergoes tests and trials
whilst making a choice to stay on the right path or leave it. Paradise is prepared
for those who make the right choice.
In this episode of The Deen Show Yusha Evans explains how the Quran is considered a book of guidance, truth, and Peace. He also discusses why it is incumbent to honour this Divine scripture.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the importance of peace and social activism in Islam. He also shares the Islamic viewpoint on violence and violent ideologies.
In this video, Abdurraheem Green discusses the key components that form a leader. He then applies his theory of leadership to the life of Prophet Abraham, highlighting the great leadership skills he had.
Napoleon -2pacs Outlaws- converted to Islam and left the rap lifestyle that his songs speak of. In this video Napoleon explains the lifestyle that he was living before Islam, and how he came to Islam.
In this video of the Deen Show, Khalil Meek shares his story of how he was aspiring to go to seminary to become a Christian Baptist Minister but that all changed when he met a Muslim in a Bar who taught him about Islam.
In this video, Hamza Tzortzis discusses the concept of God in Islam and Christianity. He then discusses the concept of Jesus in both Islam and Christianity. Lastly, he shares some important facts about the unreliability of the current Bible.
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