In this video Yusuf Idris discusses the story of the virgin Mary in detail. He discusses some of the benefits that both Muslims and non-Muslims can take from the beautiful life of the virgin Mary.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi shares the Islamic viewpoint on humour. He shares many examples of humour from the life of the Messenger. He also discusses some of the conditions related to humour in Islam.
In this video Yusha Evans discusses the concept of God in Islam. He highlights the Oneness of God in terms of His lordship and divinity. He also explains that the one true God has created one perfect system for the world, Islam.
In this video Ibrahim Zidan discusses the beauty of the Quran. He describes the connection that one should aspire to develop with the Qurah. Ibrahim Zidan also shares a comparison between the Bible and the Quran.
In this video, Shareef Al-Arabi discusses the concept of Jesus in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. He then encourages the viewers to consider the pure monotheistic message of Islam.
Two essential verses that explain that Prophet Muhammad
was a messenger and a human being. His life span was fixed just as the life
span of every human being is fixed before birth.
In this video Dr. Sabeel Ahmed speaks about why Muslims fast in Ramadan, some of the spiritual and health benefits of fasting and how the earlier Prophets fasted as well.
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