In this episode of "The Deen Show" Dr. Dirks discusses whether America was founded as a Christian state or not, and what exactly was the prominent belief system in the early days of American history.
In this video, the human body in relation to its pain receptors is described in detail. This human body miracle is then found in the Quran to elaborate on the Quranic miracle.
7 reasons for why we must worship God and dedicate all
acts of worship to Him alone. Part 3: God is worthy of worship by virtue of
His perfect names and attributes and because He has created and sustains
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
Karla explains how her theological dissatisfaction with
the doctrine of Jesus as God and her discovery of the rights given to women in
Islam led her to become a Muslim.
In this video Dr. Jerald Dirks -a graduate of the School of Divinity in Harvard- shares with the viewers some of his thoughts about the compilation of what is known today as the Bible.
Chapter 37 can be divided into three parts. The first
gives evidence for monotheism and the Resurrection. The second gives short
accounts of the Prophets from the past whilst the third part refutes
superstitious beliefs.
In this episode of "The Deen Show" Dr. Jerald tackles the subject of "The Divinity of Jesus", and mentions the various viewpoints that were held by the early Christians.
In this video, Mustafa Umar gives us a glimpse of the female scholars that lived through the history. He begins with the perception of women in different parts of the world and how Islam changed that perception.
In the recent years, what some would consider to be a gesture of modesty, others have strongly criticized. Hijab is an essential part of a modest lifestyle in Islam.
Robert was raised up as an agnostic in a small town in Canada. As Robert's hedonistic life-style led him to developing a spiritual void, he started to consider religiosity as his way of life. He first adapted Christianity as a medium for filling his spiritual void, until he came to the realization that Islam is the only religion that truly fills that gap.
In this lecture Hamza Tzortzis discusses some of the rational evidences for the existence of God. This talk is a philosophical approach to the establishment of God. It is of particular interest for those who are looking for an intellectually stimulating discussion around the proofs of the existence of God.
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