The religion of Islam is more than just a religion, it's a way of life. In this video Mamdouh Mohamed explains how Islam is the solution for various global problems.
This Iowa student of Arabic became a Muslim in her heart when she started reading the Quran in order do to her university homework and couldn’t put it down.
In this video, Dr. Bilal Philips answers the most important question a human asks himself throughout his life and clears some of the misconceptions related to this thought.
The Creation of the universe along with everything in it, is an unequivocal proof of the oneness of God for those that ponder. Everything in this universe is in the pinnacle perfection. The sun, the moon, and the earth all run on the same orbit decreed for them by The One God. How then can one deny the Oneness of God?
Prophet Muhammad was the prophet sent to all of humanity and for all times. With an everlasting miracle, the Quran, he led his people from the darkest of darkness to light. Many great figures over the centuries (Muslim/Non-Muslims) pondered the life of the Prophet Muhammad to derive lessons that led them to where they were.
Just as communal peace is a key ingredient to avoid civil unrest, the being of ones heart at peace is crutial to avoid personal unrest. Islam came with an equation for both these types of peace. In this video Yasir Qadhi speaks of the concept of peace in Islam.
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