In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses some of the signs of the Final Day. He also compares between the Christian narrative of the signs and the Muslim narrative.
The true salvation is saught by turning to the Al-Mighty God, and showing servitude to Him alone. In this lecture Dr. Brown -a former Christian and an expert on comparitive religion- explains the concept of true salvation in comparison with the atonement of Jesus.
25 years of reflection, evaluation of the Jewish
community and their Tradition, and in-depth studies within the Yeshivas of
Jerusalem, finally leads Oved to Islam. Part 2: Judaism is a celebration of
culture and Jewishness, but where is God and submission to Him?
In this video Khalid Yasin details the character of Muhammad (PBUH). He particularly focuses on the effects of the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad on the modern world.
Detroit-based African American journalist and PR woman,
Angelene McLaren, has been a Muslim for six years. Upon conversion she took
the new name Sumayyah bint Joan. Here she records her encounter with Islam.
God is Al-Aware and Al-Knowing of all things. The extent of Gods knowledge is unimaginable for minds of His creation. He knows that which has been, will be, and that which hasn't been, if it was how it would be. All praise is due the Creator of the Universe.
God is capable of all things. This premise does not nessecitate the incarnation of God into a man. In this Episode Dr. Naik discusses this issue in detail.
The Prophet's daily gathering in the mosque every
morning was for much more than imparting religious knowledge. Part 1: Casual,
friendly and caring moments.
Main Speaker: Sheikh Abd al-Wahhab al-Turayri ( [edited]
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