The concept that numerous facts present in nature prove the existence of God, as well as how the theory of irreducible complexity contradicts the theories of Darwin.
Ramadan is a month of Worship. It is a month where all Muslims come together on one basic pillar of Islam without which a persons Islam is incomplete. In this lecture Yasir Qadhi shares with us some of the virtues of Islam.
In this article we will explain some of the Mormon
articles of faith and clarify the differences between then and mainstream
Christianity whilst also pointing out the vast differences between Mormon
concepts and the doctrines of Islam.
There is only One God. Failure to see this reality will
result in a very harsh and final reality on the Day of Judgment. God gives
warning after warning and invites us to think and to ponder.
After an interesting insight into how Muslims live an Ex–Jewish lady discovers that Islam is the way to mend ones relationship with God, to be forgiven for all past sins and the ultimate way to true inner happiness.
Main Speaker: S. E. Levine (from with permission)
A brief look and discussion of the traits that define a
true believer. In these verses God describes these characteristics and sets
them out clearly, allowing us to emulate the behaviour He describes.
The first half of this chapter contains an invitation,
an admonition and a warning. God is One and He is in control. This life is very
short and the Hereafter is forever.
In college, Melech studies various philosophies and involves himself in the political left, only later to move on, but still in support of the Palestinian Cause. After September 11, his open-mindedness allows him to disregard all propaganda, and after reading the Quran, finally finds the truth he was searching for.
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