In this video, Mustafa Umar explains the reasons why one should be a Muslim. He also highlights the importance of focusing on the purpose of life instead of focusing on what one can get out of Islam.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis speaks about every humans desire of happiness and after asking the important questions of ones existence he relates the answers from true Quranic sources.
In this video Johari Abdul-Malik relates his story of how he came to Islam and details his life since his parents' marriage to show how slowly his life worked in an organized manner to lead him to Islam.
In this video, Bilal discusses his journey to Islam. He discusses his early life in Italy and how he moved to London. He then shares how the Quran had impacted his life in a very short period of time.
In this video, David shares his story of how he accepted Islam. He explains how traveling gave him an opportunity to reflect life. He also shares his feelings before and after accepting Islam.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah discusses the basics of fasting, focusing specifically upon the month of Ramadan, and some of its virtues and rulings.
In this video Yusuf Chambers briefly explains the purpose of life from an Islamic perspective and encourages everyone to give Islam a chance to speak for itself.
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