In this video Hamza Tzortzis explains how the Quran and the works of Shakespeare are beautiful but are worlds apart because the Quran is divine and cannot be imitated.
In this video Zara Faris discusses the concept of feminism and Islam. She debates some of the common allegations made against Islam in respect to women.
In this video, Hamza Tzortzis discusses the truth which can naturally be found within our minds. The innate disposition upon which God has created us can be awakened by pondering, thinking, reflecting, and questioning. Hamza also highlights the fact that true freedom is in worshiping God alone.
In this video Adam Gillespie shares his incredible journey to Islam wherein he knew God existed but remained a product of his society until God guided him to Islam.
In this video Dr. Haitham Al Haddad discusses whether Islam as a religion is good for the humanity or not. He sheds light on different aspects of the argument to draw a conclusion.
In this video a devoted Christian asks If Islam cannot promise the same easy way to attain salvation and Paradise by just accepting Jesus as God, why should one choose Islam over Christianity? Is not better to become a Christian and live a life of sin and still be 100% certain of Paradise, than becoming a Muslim, when Islam requires one to do good deeds to enter Paradise?
The obedience of the universe is contrasted with the
disobedience of the unbelievers. The connection between behaviour in this
world and life in the hereafter is described in short but in-depth detail.
In this video, Abdur Raheem Green addresses the issue of every religion claiming that it is the true one and evaluates Islam with its evidence to prove that it is the true religion.
In this video Suhaib Webb describes the purpose of life and explains how one can be who he is but still be a Muslim connecting oneself with God without any mediators.
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