In this video Sheikh Alaa Al Sayed brings forths the proof of how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was mentioned by name in the Christian and Jewish (first 5 Books of old testament) Bible.
This is a beautifully sang nasheed by Kamal Uddin (a nasheed artist from the U.K.). In this Nasheed Kamal sings about some points that show the greatness, and the oneness of God.
In this video Cortney speaks about he came to Islam discussing the acceptance of Islam by those around him yet his heart remained hard until God guided him.
In this video Mufti Menk answers the common question of whether the Quran was written or revealed.He brings historical and logical proofs to prove his argument.
In this video Arnoud discusses his journey from being part of an Islamophobic party to a devout Muslim. He then gives some advice on how to deal with the growing prevalence of Islamophobia.
In this video Hacene Chebbani speaks about moderation in Islam and how God and His Messenger (PBUH) instilled moderation in the early Muslims. He also discusses different scenarios in which moderation should be adapted.
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