God has created the universe along with everything in it. Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Yasir Qadhi discusses this topic briefly along with a panel Q&A.
Muslims believe that Jesus was granted the Gospel as a sacred scripture to his people. One of the six of pillars of Islamic belief is to believe in the Gospel (and other Semitic books) as the word of God. The Gospel which is circulated in our times is one that has been tainted with, leaving the pure message of Jesus distorted.
In this video Dr. Sabeel Ahmed responds to the boston bombing explaining that Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives.
Abdullah ibn Masoud was amongst the Scholars of the companions. When he realized the impermanence of this life, he left everything to be as close to the prophet as possible. Learn more about this great Noble.
In this video AbdelRahman Murphy discusses why the character of the Messenger alone is enough of a reason to believe that he was a Messenger. He further emphasize the importance of good character in calling others to Allah.
In this video Bob Palmer shares his story of how he came to Islam describing the events that led up to his conversion including his read of the book "Islam for Dummies".
In this iERA video, the speaker shares an in-depth explanation on how inductive data works. He then discusses how the evolution theory and Darwinism are not absolutes.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses the rational arguments discussed in the Quran for God's existence. This video summarizes an intricate theological discussion in a short and simplified manner.
In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses the story of Noah. He specifically focuses on some aspects of the story in which the producers of Noah, the movie, were mistaken about the storyline of the life of Noah.
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