In this Episode of the "Stories Of The Prophets", Yusuf Estes speaks about the different creations of God, how humans came into being, and begins speaking about the story of Adam.
In this video Dr. Zakir Naik deals with common concerns that people have before accepting Islam on a live panel question and answer session. Numerous people accept Islam in this session from multiple religious backgrounds.?
In this video Dr. Quick discusses the different phases that the Islamic history had went through in terms of governance. He further elaborated on the concept of the Islamic revival as prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and
consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 5: No eternal and
meaningful happiness—continued.
Main Speaker: By Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
In this video Mufti Menk speaks about the last and noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and shares a glimpse of his life highlighting his good character and morals.
In this video Dr. Kia Jahed speaks about Prophet Muhammad and how he taught love, kindness and compassion to his people, and was seen to be the most loving, kind, and compassionate of all of them.
In this video Dr. Mohammed Salah describes some of the basics of the prayer (or salah) in Islam, outlining the five prayers, the connection it creates with our creator, and some of the benefits that we find.
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