A brief commentary of Chapter 7 (verses 148 to 206) of
the Holy Quran. In these final verses we discover that Prophet Muhammad was
mentioned in both the Torah and Gospel and the warnings in previous parts are
For a few thousand years, discussions have been going on about whether God can have a son or not? Watch Yusuf Estes as he elaborates on this subject through a rational perspective.
How to achieve profound happiness and satisfaction or ‘flow’.
Part 2: The ingredients of flow are present in almost all forms of Islamic
worship. Flow-producing activities require an
initial investment and self discipline.
Abdul-Raheem Green came from an upper-middle class family from the U.K. His quest for finding the true faith began at a young age. Watch as he explains the how he came to Islam.
Paradise and Hell are two eternal abodes that God has created as recompense for either commendable or sinful deeds. In this video Dr. Tawfique describes both of these abodes briefly. He also explains the means one should adapt to achieve paradise and avoid hellfire.
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