A practicing Christian throughout life and even seeking a future as a Pastor, Abdullah realizes his faith is not based upon thought and logic, and thus investogates other relgions until he finds Islam.
Jesus is a Prophet of God, and amongst the most beloved figures to both Muslims and Christians. If one researches the events that took places after the time of Jesus, he will find that the persona of Jesus was redeveloped. This video is an expansion by Khalid Yasin on this point.
God is the First and nothing precedes Him and He is the
Last whose existence persists without end. This is a belief which humbles us
and reminds us of the inevitable end of ourselves and this world.
Main Speaker: islamtoday.net [edited by IslamReligion.com]
Jesus is a figure common to both Muslims and Christians. Mr. Green has researched the truth about Jesus for many years. In this presentation he objectively clarifies many misunderstandings about Jesus.
A brief commentary of Chapter 7 (verses 59 to 147) of
the Holy Quran. In this part we learn important lessons from the lives of the prophets
and long gone civilisations.
God can be recognized by pondering over His
creation. Part 2 discusses the signs in the creation of the universe and within
man himself. Whatever little the human race has accomplished is not devoid of
problems and harm. And the discovery of the Creator of creation is the most elating
A brief commentary of Chapter 5 of the Quran. It
discusses food, hunting, the pledges made by the Jews and Christians, the
afterlife, and the feast of Jesus.
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