A comparison between modern methods of recording history and that used in hadeeth. Part two: Modern, Western Historical Methodology and internal criticism.
An explanation of a Prophetic saying which
emphasis the importance of good character. And good character includes our relationship
with the Creator, ourselves and those around us.
Main Speaker: islamtoday.net [edited by IslamReligion.com]
A series of articles compelling the reader to ponder
over the marvels of the Quran. Part 2: Why the Quran is not a product of Prophet
Muhammad and the Quran’s offer of falsification tests.
Main Speaker: Dr. Gary Miller (edited by www.islamhouse.com)
The first of a two-part article discussing the true role of Jesus. Part 1: Discusses whether Jesus called himself God, Jesus referred to as Lord and the nature of Jesus.
The answer to the fundamental question about the reason why God created. Part 2: The manifestation of Divine Mercy and Justice in God’s act of creating.
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