A brief commentary of Chapter 12 (verses 1-66) of the
Holy Quran. The story of Prophet Joseph is a story of suffering and
sadness, focusing on putting one’s trust in God and knowing that He is the best
of Planners. Part one sees Joseph being torn away from his loving father and
thrust into slavery, and ends with Joseph securing a high position in the
Egyptian government.
An Islamic Critical Evaluation of the Ideas of Some Contemporary Physicists: Part One: The eternalness of the universe and the decay of matter, and the implications of the Big Bang.
The religion of Islam is based upon the Quran (the Word of God) and the Sunnah (teachings and attributes of Prophet Muhammad). Part 2: Sunnah: The Secondary Source of Islam
The blessings we enjoy
are innumerable. This verse reminds us of that and makes us reflect as to what
is the best way to express gratitude to those blessings.
Main Speaker: islamtoday.net [edited by IslamReligion.com]
A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 3: One of the reasons that most modern methods of slaughtering are not encouraged in Islam is due to the pain felt by the animal.
In this article we will attempt to discover and explain
what a Christian healing miracle is, their place in history,
and the difference between Christianity and Islam.
A comparison between modern slaughtering techniques and the method mandated in Islam. Part 4: Two more reasons that most modern methods of slaughtering are not encouraged in Islam are issues related with health and the possibility of rendering the animal impermissible to consume.
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