In this video Mufti Menk speaks about the companions of the Prophet, Abdullah ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibn Umar and shares some of their many virtues and qualities.
In this video Dr. Uthman Lateef discusses the importance of helping those who are subjugated by injustice. After sharing multiple examples from modern history in which bystanders could've made a difference but chose not to, he shares some of the Prophetic traditions which encourage helping those in need.
In this video Kamal El-Makki speaks about Jesus (PBUH) and about his return at the end times. He speaks about related signs of the Day of Judgement deriving benefits along the way.
In this video, Mufti Menk shares the importance of making dua, how to make dua and the power of dua. He expands to each category giving various examples in the process.
In this video, Nouman Ali Khan shares the supplication of Prophet Musa for success in speaking to the Pharaoh of his time. Being a fugitive and someone wanted in Egypt, Prophet Musa should have asked for a miracle but he asked Allah for help in what he was commanded to do.
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