In this video Sr. Natalie shares here story of how she accepted Islam. She also shares some details on how she coped with the harsh treatment she got from her family after accepting Islam.
This video serves to showcase the truth about Islam by clearing many of its misconceptions. It also brings the dialogue back to the basics of what Islam is really all about.
In this video, Adnan Rashid discusses the reality of Jesus. He highlights the Muslim perspective as he briefs the viewers on the Christian deviances. He also discuss the authority of the gospels in the light of modern discoveries.
In this video Abdul Bary Yahya speaks about the Islamic civilization and the key factors on how it was built mentioning some of the inventions that Muslims brought to the modern world.
In this video, Junaid discusses his curiosity about Islam. He shares how he searched hard to find some problem with Islam but failed and had no choice but to accept Islam.
This lecture is a detailed explanation of the concept of Tadabbur (pondering the Quran). The viewer will learn to appreciate the linguistic miracle of the Quran. Towards the end of the lecture, Abdul Wahab Saleem shares some practical advice about how to get closer to the Quran.
In this video, Imran of the IREF discusses several key components of the Sharia. He shares insight into the meaning of the word and clears some of the misconceptions surrounding the concept of Sharia. He mainly focuses on highlighting the vastness of this term.
In this video Lisa Vogl-Hamid shares her journey to Islam describing the roller coaster of emotions she went through in order to finally accept Islam as her way of life.
The Messenger Muhammad was offered every comfort that life has to offer by the pagans of Makkah in return for him discontinuing his call, but he refused. This is a sign of the honesty of Prophet Muhammad.
In this video, Hussein Ye discusses the fact that Islam is a religion of peace. He explains that Islam does not condone terrorism and that it doesn't encourage any form of violence.
In this video Yasir Qadhi discusses the effects of Islamaphobia and what should be done to combat Islamaphobia spiritually and politically. He also clarifies many misconceptions which lead to Islamaphobia.
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