God guides us in the right direction by asking the
pivotal question, isn’t it time you came to your senses and humbled yourself? Making
the same mistakes as the People of the Book will only lead to hard-heartedness
and ultimate failure He says, and likens the hard heart to dead infertile
ground. God also offers a solution.
The 50th chapter of the Quran is named after
the Arabic letter that opens it – Qaaf. The themes covered include creation,
death, Resurrection, and the end of the wicked and the pious.
Some of the Meccan idolaters suggested to the Prophet as
a compromise that he should worship their gods for a year and they should
worship his for a year. The chapter was revealed in reply to them.
The lessons learned in the Battle of Badr, an
acknowledgement of God as the architect of victory, and a reminder to the
believers about the importance of supporting one another.
God’s signs are apparent throughout the universe. Evil cannot
be equated with good and will not be treated in the same way. God controls
everything, and in the end, everything will kneel before God.
This chapter of the Quran mobilizes an impressive range
of examples to achieve its rhetorical aim: to affirm the unity of the Creator
through the observation of change and variation in Creation.
Main Speaker: islamtoday.net [edited by IslamReligion.com]
This chapter refers to an uncle of the Prophet who
opposed him fiercely, as did his wife. He insulted the Prophet with ‘Tabban
Lak’ (‘may you perish!’). This Meccan chapter was the response.
A brief yet detailed discussion of the evil of
backbiting and slandering. Such behavior is often exhibited by those who use
wealth to oppress others and the consequences of such behavior are graphically
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