The first two verses talk about the victory of Islam. The
third verse tells us how to make successful supplications by understanding how
Prophet Muhammad sought the forgiveness of God.
This chapter comprises of 135 verses and discusses the
story of Moses and Adam, exhorts Prophet Muhammad to patience and prayer, and
reminds us of the consequences of disbelief.
The characteristics of a believer, the punishment that
awaits the disbelievers and those who distract the believers from worship, wise
advice and the ultimate power of God.
The surah was revealed in Madina and contains 78 verses.
It takes its title from the divine name, ‘The Most Merciful,’ and hence the
entire surah speaks of the mercies and blessings of God.
The Quran is the greatest miracle of God and was sent to
Prophet Muhammad who is the last Prophet for all of humankind. Part 1: Some of
the types of signs of God in the Quran.
No God equals no ultimate hope, value and purpose, and
consequently no eternal and meaningful happiness. Part 5: No eternal and
meaningful happiness—continued.
Main Speaker: By Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
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