A brief look at the some of the beliefs of the Baha’i faith which contradict the basic Islamic beliefs, as well as some contradictions found in some of its essential teachings.
Before one can truly appreciate the relationship between man and his environment, one must first appreciate the relationship between man and God. The essence of creation and the primordial religion of man.
The concept that numerous facts present in nature prove the existence of God, as well as how the theory of irreducible complexity contradicts the theories of Darwin.
A look at how old pagan beliefs crept into Christianity through Paul of Tarsus. Also included, is mention of the history of original sin and salvation from an Islamic perspective.
A correspondent for the Franfurter Zeitung, one of the most prestigious newspapers for Germany and Europe, becomes a Muslim and later translates the meanings of the Quran. Part 1.
An explanation of the reasons why obedience to a new prophet
of God is always binding, and a look at the specific traits which make Islam a
religion for all peoples and times.
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