The memorization of the Quran during the time of
Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and its memorization today
by millions of Muslims.
Main Speaker: (edited by
Many mistakenly believe that Islam does not tolerate the
existence of other religions present in the world. This article discusses some
of the foundations the Prophet Muhammad himself laid in dealing with people of
other faiths, with practical examples from his lifetime. Part 1: Examples of
religious tolerance for people of other faiths found in the constitution which
the Prophet laid in Medina.
One of the leading Islamic personalities in America, Jamaal Zarabozo, discusses the miracle of the Quran, as how it played an influence in his journey to Islam. Part One: An Introduction to this topic, along with a brief description of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad.
One of the leading Islamic personalities in America, Jamaal Zarabozo, discusses the miracle of the Quran, as how it played an influence in his journey to Islam. Part Two: A comparison between the Quran and what Orientalists had to say about it.
The second of a two-part article defining the fundamental differences between Paradise and the life of this world. Part 2: The superiority of its joys and delights in comparison to this life.
Many mistakenly believe that Islam does not tolerate the
existence of other religions present in the world. This article discusses some
of the foundations the Prophet Muhammad himself laid in dealing with people of
other faiths, with a practical examples from his lifetime. Part 2: More
examples from the Prophet’s life which portray his tolerance of other
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