God allows us to enjoy all the good lawful things and forbids us to partake of those things that are harmful to our beliefs, health, well being, or morals.
Clinging to righteousness and avoiding sin is not just
about worshipping One God without partner through conventional rituals. It
goes far beyond that to one’s moral and mannerly behavior, taking heed of one’s
conscience, and seeking with one’s heart. Part 2: Sin is what bothers the
conscience and is shameful to the righteous heart.
The Quran and the basic elements of its organization, the
difference between the Quran and its translation, and a brief review of English
translations, introducing the subject of Quranic exegesis.
The third and fourth aspects about what belief in God
means, namely, belief that He Alone is entitled to worship and coming to know
of God through His names and attributes.
God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. When one ponders the “trivial realities” of life on Earth, he will come to the conclusion of the existence of God.
The reasons and purpose of marriage, and the emphasis given on treating wives with kindness and ease, and how they help in maintaining harmony in the family.
In understanding the concept of government in Islam, one need to first understand the nature of the religion. This article explains how the fundamental beliefs of Islam play a pivotal role in the system of governance. Part 2: Is Islam and democracy compatible?
Three more stories from the prophetic narrations
demonstrating the character trait of modesty and the sense of shame that underlies
and accompanies it, producing virtuous propriety in one’s deeds.
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