The life of this world is that of an impermanence. Heedlessness of this point is what leads one to being a slave to his own desires. Listen to Mr. Green as he further expands on this point.
The religion of Islam is more than just a religion, it's a way of life. In this video Mamdouh Mohamed explains how Islam is the solution for various global problems.
Islam is a religion for all times and for all people. Because of the divine nature of the Islamic traditions, we find that every little tradition related to us from the Prophet Muhammad his various physical benefits that are discovered on a day-to-day basis. In this video Yusuf Estes discusses a few of these traditions.
Modesty is not a sign of a weak personality as it is thought of nowadays. Watch and learn from Kamal El Makki the true meaning of Modesty and see how it relates to men and women.
A person may think, "Why is it that God created multiple religions? Why not just one religion? If God wanted everyone to be following one religion, why then would he create numerous religions?" In this video Dr. Naik briefly covers this point.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi explains the concept of the other being called Jinns, who are responsible for most paranormal activities and black magic. He explains the Islamic position on their creation and abilities, and how to seek protection from them.
Existence of a Creator, Sustainer, and an all Supreme Being is a concept that is not strange to most of humanity. The very nature that a person is born upon teaches him to look to the sky when in need. In this video Ibrahim Zidan mentions various reasons that make one earnestly affirm the "Existence of God".
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