This video serves to showcase the truth about Islam by clearing many of its misconceptions. It also brings the dialogue back to the basics of what Islam is really all about.
This spoken word poetry discusses why Islam is misunderstood. It then recommends that one should read more about Islam in the Quran in order to assure he is learning accurate information about Islam.
In this video Dr. David Berlinski discusses a common misconception about evolution being a scientifically established fact. He argues that evolution has always been a mere theory and that scientists never established a consensus on this subject.
In this video, the human body in relation to its pain receptors is described in detail. This human body miracle is then found in the Quran to elaborate on the Quranic miracle.
Over the centuries God sent down numerous revelations to various prophets. He then put a stop to the tradition of revelations with the final book to the final prophet. Quran being the last book sent to mankind as a source guidance must have divine intervention in its preservation. In this episode Mr. Green briefly discusses this topic.
In this video Mufti Menk answers the common question of whether the Quran was written or revealed.He brings historical and logical proofs to prove his argument.
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