God has created the universe along with everything in it, and Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Khalid Yasin delivers this topic to hundreds of people, resulting in the conversion of several people.
Br. Abdullah is a Canadian revert to Islam, who was lead from Pagan worship to Islam through his discovery of various Scientific accords of the Quran. Watch as he shares in brief his experiences before and after Islam.
In this video Br. James utters the testimony of faith in front of a crowd of Muslims. Watch as Eddie -The Deen Show Host- guides James through the accepting Islam and shares with the viewers a few things that one needs to know after accepting Islam.
Yusuf Estes comes from a family of Christian activists. He and many of his family members were touched as they began to do business with a Muslim from Egypt. Watch as Yusuf Estes explains how three of his family members including himself came to Islam.
In this episode of The Deen Show Mr. Hasan -the father of Eddie (The Deen Show host)- tells his story of how he made his way from the music world to Islam.
In this video Terry C. Holdbrooks Jr shares his story of how he came to Islam wherein he speaks about the events that led up to his conversion including his time at Guantanamo.
Christmas, Halloween, and Easter are all commonly practiced festivals by thousands in various countries across the world. In this video Dr. Quick unveils the polytheistic nature of these events.
Unlike other religions, Islam is more than just a group of rites gathered together for certain weekly, monthly, or even annual occasions. Islam is an all encompassing way of life that guides us through every little thing that we face. This is a brief lecture related to the Islamic viewpoint on finance.
In this video, Mustafa Umar gives us a glimpse of the female scholars that lived through the history. He begins with the perception of women in different parts of the world and how Islam changed that perception.
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