Ramadan is a month of Worship. It is a month where all Muslims come together on one basic pillar of Islam without which a persons Islam is incomplete. In this lecture Yasir Qadhi shares with us some of the virtues of Islam.
The true salvation is saught by turning to the Al-Mighty God, and showing servitude to Him alone. In this lecture Dr. Brown -a former Christian and an expert on comparitive religion- explains the concept of true salvation in comparison with the atonement of Jesus.
An educational video about the slander that some tend to promote, "Islam oppresses women." Listen in as you learn about the meaning of "oppression" and rights that are presented by Islam to women.
Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 2: What the Quran has to say about instinct.
A Catholic who rejects his faith and takes to Philosophy, and then later accepts Islam due to many unanswered questions. Part 1: Doubting in the faith.
In college, Melech studies various philosophies and involves himself in the political left, only later to move on, but still in support of the Palestinian Cause. After September 11, his open-mindedness allows him to disregard all propaganda, and after reading the Quran, finally finds the truth he was searching for.
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