The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 2: A
lack of religiousness, contact with Muslims, self-questioning, and the answer.
A discussion of the name, titles, and description of
Jesus in the Quran. Part 1: A look at the concept of the Messiah in the
Judeo-Christian thought as well as Islam, and the title “Miracle” which God
gives to Jesus in the Quran.
A look into the claim that the Quran, Islam and thus Muslims are anti-Semitic. Part 1: The designation of the Semitic race and the favorable position of the Jews with God.
The safeguarding and time sequence relating to preservation of the Sunnah and it’s comparison with the preservation of other religious scriptures, noticeably the Torah and the Gospels.
Concluding part of the Ahmadiyyah article, includes a quick overview of the fallacies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, and the stance of mainstream Muslims towards Ahmadiyyah.
An introduction to how Islam ensures the cohesiveness of
the institution of the family in Islam, with its first and foremost constituents,
the parents.
An Islamic view of the role of interest in society today, with a historical and contemporary study. Part Two: A glimpse at some texts from the Quran and Sunnah which severely warn against the taking of interest.
Taken from a lecture that was given at McGill University in Canada on how Islam elevated the status of women. Part One: An explanation of the fundamental difference in world views between the West and Islam in regards to women, and a glimpse of Greek and Early Christian views on women.
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part includes some of the many sayings of Prophet Muhammad about the return of Jesus.
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