Islamic teaches or not mere religious rites, rather various personality traits are apparent in a Muslims everyday life. This video touches briefly on the concept of interpersonal-relations in Islam.
In this episode of "The Beautiful Names of Allah" Dr. Philips explains the meaning of the following names: "Al-Ghafer, Al-Ghafoor, and Al-Ghaffar (The Oft-Forgiving)."
In this video, Dr. Qadhi discusses the ten factors which can help one gain atonement for their sins in Islam. He also highlights the fact that the greatest form of success is to be saved from the Hellfire and entered into Paradise.
Three stories from the prophetic narrations demonstrating the relationship between the character traits of modesty as shyness, and the seemly behavior that results from actively pursuing them.
This is a beautifully sang nasheed by Kamal Uddin (a nasheed artist from the U.K.). In this Nasheed Kamal touches over some points that show the glory, and the oneness of God.
Slavery is illegal in all Muslim countries. The article
outlines the humane rules of Shariah for dealing with slaves when it
existed. References are made to the primary sources of Islam: the Quran and the
instructions of Prophet Muhammad. Also, some interesting historical
observations are made.
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