The article addresses the major themes of the Quran, the
topics it discusses, its style of presentation, and some points of comparison with
their own scriptures for Christian and Jewish readers.
Belief in the prophets of God is a central part of
Muslim faith. Part 2 will introduce all the prophets before Prophet Muhammad,
peace be on him, mentioned in the Muslim scripture from Lot to Jesus.
In the Night of Decree all that will happen till the coming year is decided by God Almighty, therefore making it a night of sincere asking and praying to God. Other acts of worship in Ramadan include seclusion in a mosque, helping the poor and visiting Mecca.
Main Speaker: Dr. M. Amir Ali (edited by
This chapter comprises of 135 verses and discusses the
story of Moses and Adam, exhorts Prophet Muhammad to patience and prayer, and
reminds us of the consequences of disbelief.
Islam gives members of other faiths the right to
practice their faiths. A historical analysis of Islamic principle of ‘No
compulsion in religion.’ Part 2.
Main Speaker: Imam Mufti (Originally by Dr. Saleh al-Aayed)
God mentions Prophet Muhammad in the Quran in unique
ways—with words that signify his excellence and unmatched character and with
titles that demonstrate God’s love and care for him.
Main Speaker: Raiiq Ridwan ( [edited by]
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