Many mistakenly believe that Islam does not tolerate the
existence of other religions present in the world. This article discusses some
of the foundations the Prophet Muhammad himself laid in dealing with people of
other faiths, with practical examples from his lifetime. Part 1: Examples of
religious tolerance for people of other faiths found in the constitution which
the Prophet laid in Medina.
How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out
of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 1: Islam reaches West Africa, and a
history of the Islamic Empire of Ghana.
Recognition of the lordship of God, and servitude that one should adapt towards him are two of the main things that need to be inscribed in our lives. The Day of Judgment is that day wherein the level of this inscription is put to account. In this nasheed Labbyk touches over these topics and more.
The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 4: A further discussion on the prophecy mentioned in John
14:16 of the Paraclete, or “Comforter”, and how Muhammad fits this prophecy
more than others.
Islam is not only vigorous in its protection of the basic elements of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations, it is equally committed to the protection of human beings and the environment from the harmful impact of external factors such as chemical products and wastes.
Main Speaker: Dr. A. Bagader, Dr. A. El-Sabbagh, Dr. M. Al-Glayand, and Dr. M. Samarrai (edited by
A trusted student of a renowned Christian scholar in former Andalusia overhears a discussion about the Paraclete, a prophet to come mentioned in the bible.
How, Sara Bokker, a former actress, model, fitness
instructor and activist gave up the glamorous Miami lifestyle for Islam and found
true liberation with Islam and the Islamic dress code for women.
Main Speaker: Sara Bokker (edited by
The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 3: A discussion on the prophecy mentioned in John 14:16 of
the Paraclete, or “Comforter”, and how Muhammad fits this prophecy more than
How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 2: A history of the empires of Mali and Songhay.
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