In this video Abdur Raheem Green discusses the vessel in our bodies called the heart and shares what is considered its junk food and what is the food that will nourish it.
A man’s personal quest to study the most authentic verses of the Bible, the Q verses, leads him to Islam. Part one: A problem with conventional Christianity.
"Every soul shall taste death." With this reality of life established in ones mind, one begins to ask himself "Where will I go after death? Where was I before life?" In this video Uthman Khan presents the Islamic answer to these two questions.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the topic of salvation in Islam. He sharers the proofs from the Quran for the Muslim exclusivist theological doctrine. Furthermore, Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses and answers the theories, presented by the some Muslims in modern-day and historically, suggesting a pluralist understanding of Islam.
The marriages that Prophet Muhammad contracted in the
various stages of his life. Part 2: A look into some aspects of the humble
life of the Prophet and how it relates to the reasons he contracted his
In this video Dr. Jonathan Brown speaks about many studies that have proven that science has come to a conclusion that belief in God is natural while atheism is unnatural.
An analysis of the famous biblical verse “For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Part 2: Statements of Bible
scholars on the authenticity and preservation of the Bible.
A comparison between modern methods of recording history and that used in hadeeth. Part two: Modern, Western Historical Methodology and internal criticism.
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