This video provokes objective thought in whatever one believes in. It addresses Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists to reconsider what they believe in objectively. It also shares some of the attributes of God.
In this video, Adnan Rashid discusses the reality of Jesus. He highlights the Muslim perspective as he briefs the viewers on the Christian deviances. He also discuss the authority of the gospels in the light of modern discoveries.
In this video, Yahya Ibrahim speaks about the life of Prophet Jospeh deriving lessons for humans in order to correct ourselves and come closer to the truth.
In this video Dr. Yasir Qadhi speaks about the recent events in Paris and advises on the true recommended way of dealing with such incidents in accordance to the last Prophet and the Holy Book of Quran.
In this video Ahmad Al-Kurdy discusses the quality of balance in every aspect of the life of the Messenger Muhammad. He sheds light on his physical features, demeanour, character and manners.
In this video, Muslema Purmul discusses the importance of human dignity. She shares insight from the Quran and the Prophetic legacy on how we should treat the destitute, marginalized and weak.
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