In this lecture Hamza Tzortzis discusses some of the rational evidences for the existence of God. This talk is a philosophical approach to the establishment of God. It is of particular interest for those who are looking for an intellectually stimulating discussion around the proofs of the existence of God.
In this video Omar Suleiman speaks about the goal of ones life and how to achieve it. He derives this from a verse of the Quran and reflects on it by contemplating on a humans reactions to daily interactions.
In this video Omar Suleiman sheds light on the lives of both Prophet Joseph and Prophet Muhammad. He focuses on selected scenes from the chapter of Joseph from the Quran.
In this video, Karim AbuZaid discusses the story of Noah. He specifically focuses on some aspects of the story in which the producers of Noah, the movie, were mistaken about the storyline of the life of Noah.
This video discusses the importance of Zakat (obligatory charity) in Islam. It also shows how many problems of the world can be solved through charity. Moreover, it highlights the fact that Islam encourages development and discourages destruction.
In this video Farhan Abdul Aziz speaks about patience at times of trials and hardships and he covers some key aspects such what is a test and why one is tested.
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