In this video Imam Karim AbuZaid discusses the correct manners and methodology to understand the Quran. He shares guidances on this topic for both Muslims and non-Muslims.
In this short presentation, Hamza Tzortzis starts this lecture by establishing key principles in order for everyone - atheist, sceptic and theist - to connect with one another. He asserts that to truly engage with each other we must all suspend or discard our emotional and intellectual baggage formed as a result of our limited perspectives and experiences.
In this video Hamza Tzortzis discusses the rational arguments discussed in the Quran for God's existence. This video summarizes an intricate theological discussion in a short and simplified manner.
In this video Yusuf Estes elaborates on compassion within Islam in our everyday relationship with our parents, children, spouses, neighbours and even animals.
In this video, Waseem Razvi discusses how Islam teaches us to treat haters and bigots. He also explains why Islam is in fact the most inclusive of all religions.
In this video Dr. Sabeel discusses some touching moments from the life of Muhammad Ali. He also encourages the viewers to take inspiration from the legacy of Muhammad Ali. Dr. Sabeel highlights the peaceful nature of Islam.
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