Is belief in God the only rational
foundation for objective morality? Part 1: Defining ‘objective’, why morals
are objective, and the implications of adopting an atheist worldview.
Main Speaker: Hamza Andreas Tzortzis (
The answer to the fundamental question about the reason why God created. Part 2: The manifestation of Divine Mercy and Justice in God’s act of creating.
The stories of the Quran are there for us to derive
lessons from. In this article, we will learn several lessons from the mother
of one of the greatest messengers of God, especially about reliance upon God
and its fruits.
Main Speaker: Raiiq Ridwan ( [edited by]
How idolatry crept
into Christianity. Part 3: How an effort by the Emperor of Constantinople, Leo
III to destroy images was dampened. Striking parallels between the teachings
of Christianity and some ancient civilizations.
A brief commentary of Chapter 107 of the Holy Quran.
These verses talk about the characteristics of those who deny the Judgement Day
or are heedless of it.
Some of the Meccan idolaters suggested to the Prophet as
a compromise that he should worship their gods for a year and they should
worship his for a year. The chapter was revealed in reply to them.
A concise chapter assuring Prophet Muhammad that his
life will improve and reminding him that God has always taken care of his needs.
Comprehensive instructions from God to Prophet Muhammad that are applicable to
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