In this video Mufti Menk speaks about the last and noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and shares a glimpse of his life highlighting his good character and morals.
In this video Dr. Quick discusses the different phases that the Islamic history had went through in terms of governance. He further elaborated on the concept of the Islamic revival as prophesized by the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
In this video, Omar Suleiman discusses the concept of evil. Why is it that God allows for so much evil and injustice to occur in the world? He also sheds light on the idea of freewill in Islam.
In this video Jim Marlowe, a nutritionist who has been studying nutrition for almost 40 years shares his experience about eating healthy. He was a very sickly child and suffered from a long list of chronic ailments for the first 20 years of his life.
In this video, Mustafa Umar gives us a glimpse of the female scholars that lived through the history. He begins with the perception of women in different parts of the world and how Islam changed that perception.
In this video, Dr. Qadhi discusses the ten factors which can help one gain atonement for their sins in Islam. He also highlights the fact that the greatest form of success is to be saved from the Hellfire and entered into Paradise.
In this video Dr. Waleed Basyouni discusses the positive nature of the Islamic call. He highlights the fact that one of the core reasons behind the existence of the Shariah is to bring happiness to the lives of people.
Separation from God, emptiness of worship, lack of
reliance on prophetic teachings and resulting lack of religious identity among
Unitarians is the focus of this article.
In this episode of Inspiration, the importance of being patient when calamity occurs is beautifully exhibited. Mohammad Zeyara writes to his mentor Omar Suleiman about how he had contemplated suicide when he lost his mother, but how remembering God protected him. The episode also teaches the importance of being patient when one loses a loved one.
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