1. Three objections to fine-tuning are answered. 2. Why
does fine-tuning need an explanation? 3. An illustration of fine-tuning with a
universe generating machine. 4. Awe of atheists on how fine-tuned the universe
Revealed in Mecca, the chapter has 62 verses. The title
is taken from the invocation in the first verse, ‘By the star as it sets.’ This
is the first chapter that the Prophet publicly recited in which both the
believers and disbelievers prostrated at the end.
In this video, the human body in relation to its pain receptors is described in detail. This human body miracle is then found in the Quran to elaborate on the Quranic miracle.
In this video, Hamza Tzortzis discusses the truth which can naturally be found within our minds. The innate disposition upon which God has created us can be awakened by pondering, thinking, reflecting, and questioning. Hamza also highlights the fact that true freedom is in worshiping God alone.
God has given great importance in the Quran to the Issue of gender relations. Gender is the primary dividing factor between mankind. This gives extra importance to the issue. Listen as Yasir Qadhi explains the Islamic system of gender relations in brief.
In this lecture Mr. Green discusses why one shouldn't confuse cultural practices with Islam. He elaborates by mentioning some popular allegations made against Islam.
Mercy is one the many beautiful attributes of God. God in many holy scriptures reminds us over and over his mercy. In this lecture Ibrahim Zidan touches over the concept of mercy in Islam.
In this video Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari describes the basis of monotheism, and he explains how it is the very foundation of Islam, and the greatest differentiators between the Muslim civilization and others.
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