A warning to the disbelievers, an encouragement to
Prophet Muhammad and contrasting the faces of the believers and the disbelievers
on the day of the Overwhelming Event.
Islam gives members of other faiths the right to practice their faiths. A historical analysis of Islamic principle of ‘No compulsion in religion.’ Part 2.
Main Speaker: IslamReligion.com (Originally by Dr. Saleh al-Aayed)
Before one can truly appreciate the relationship between man and his environment, one must first appreciate the relationship between man and God. The essence of creation and the primordial religion of man.
Bible is one of several revelations that God has sent to man kind. With that being in mind, it is very important for one to be aware of the authenticity of the bible prevalent today. In this video Yusuf Estes discusses this point and other related points.
Christmas, Halloween, and Easter are all commonly practiced festivals by thousands in various countries across the world. In this video Dr. Quick unveils the polytheistic nature of these events.
Abdullah Ibn Salam was amongst the Jewish rabbis who had moved to Medina in search for the Arabian prophet. After having the blessed opportunity to meet the prophet, Abdullah accepted Islam as his way of life.
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part is the continuation of the coming of false Messiah, and it includes additional information about his followers and his stay on earth.
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