The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 1: The difficulties faced in discussing biblical prophecies,
and accounts of some scholars who attested that Muhammad has been alluded to
in the Bible.
The early life and education of a Harvard Hollis
scholar and author of the book “The Cross and the Crescent”, disillusioned by
Christianity due the information learnt in its School of Theology. Part 4: “From
Cross to Crescent.”
Islam gives members of other faiths the right to
practice their faiths. A historical analysis of Islamic principle of ‘No
compulsion in religion.’ Part 2.
Main Speaker: Imam Mufti (Originally by Dr. Saleh al-Aayed)
Dr. Laurence describes the event which eventually led him to explore religion and become convinced about Islam, not by mere intelligence, but a pure heart.
A winner of the 2003 Wilbur Award for best book
of the year on a religious theme, author and poet and appearing on Ted
Koppel’s “Nightline” documenting the Hajj, Michael Wolfe describes his motivations
for accepting Islam.
The Biblical evidence that Muhammad is not a
false prophet. Part 4: A further discussion on the prophecy mentioned in John
14:16 of the Paraclete, or “Comforter”, and how Muhammad fits this prophecy
more than others.
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