A discussion concerning verses 15-18. This includes a
description of the qualities of those who will achieve everlasting bliss with
an emphasis on the importance of worshipping God alone.
An explanation of a Prophetic narration that clearly
demonstrates the Islamic stance on equality and how this helped integrate a
huge diversity of nations and peoples into one great civilization.
Main Speaker: Dr. Ghazi al-Tawbah (islamtoday.net) [edited by
This chapter begins by introducing us to the power and
strength of God. It talks about giving freely and sincerely from the bounties
that God provides us with and concludes by exhorting us to fear God and follow
His messenger Muhammad.
The first two verses talk about the victory of Islam. The
third verse tells us how to make successful supplications by understanding how
Prophet Muhammad sought the forgiveness of God.
Islam is a religion for all times and for all people. Because of the divine nature of the Islamic traditions, we find that every legislation that God has prescribed for us has notable benefits for those who ponder. Such is the case of the Islamic System of Intimacy. In this video Imam Siraj Wahhaj speaks of how the Islamic System of Intimacy is a solution to various social problems caused by intimacy otherwise.
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