The characteristics of a believer, the punishment that
awaits the disbelievers and those who distract the believers from worship, wise
advice and the ultimate power of God.
A chapter dealing with faith focused on Prophet Muhammad
being from a long line of prophets whose mission was to deliver the message of
God. It is God who will call the people to account.
An Islamic view of the role of interest in society today, with a historical and contemporary study. Part Two: A glimpse at some texts from the Quran and Sunnah which severely warn against the taking of interest.
In this video Dr. Philips explains why Islam is one of the most misunderstood religions in the world. He also clarifies some of the common misconceptions pertaining to Islam.
God has created the universe along with everything in it, and Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Khalid Yasin delivers this topic to hundreds of people, resulting in the conversion of several people.
Muslims believe that Jesus was granted the Gospel as a sacred scripture to his people. One of the six of pillars of Islamic belief is to believe in the Gospel (and other Semitic books) as the word of God. The Gospel which is circulated in our times is one that has been tainted with, leaving the pure message of Jesus distorted.
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