God has created the universe along with everything in it, and Every creation has a purpose to it. With these two prefaces in mind, it becomes clear that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. In this lecture Khalid Yasin delivers this topic to hundreds of people, resulting in the conversion of several people.
Dr. Jerald Dirks, a former Christian Minister slowly began to leave Christian belief during his days in the Harvard School of Divinity. Like many others, after being introduced to the large number of contradictions found in various Christian scriptures, he slowly began to retrogress from the Christian activist seen. Dr. Dirks is now a practicing Muslim trying to spread the understanding of the Islamic faith amongst the people.
This spoken word poem is a collection of thought provoking words which have given direction to numerous people. Many people, including celebrities, have began to rethink life after hearing these lines of poetry.
Instincts, such as self-sacrifice, are scientifically unexplainable and are sufficient to “overthrow” the theory of natural selection, as Darwin stated himself. Part 2: What the Quran has to say about instinct.
The supposed discord between religion and science is a relatively new belief, mainly one brought about by theories of atheists, but many scientists in the past and present see a harmony and coherence unexplained by science. Part 2: The statements of past and present scientists who did not see a conflict between religion and science.
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