Prophet Muhammad was the prophet sent to all of humanity and for all times. With an everlasting miracle, the Quran, he led his people from the darkest of darkness to light. Many great figures over the centuries (Muslim/Non-Muslims) pondered the life of the Prophet Muhammad to derive lessons that led them to where they were.
Jesus is a figure common to both Muslims and Christians. Mr. Green has researched the truth about Jesus for many years. In this presentation he objectively clarifies many misunderstandings about Jesus.
Three stories from the prophetic narrations demonstrating the relationship between the character traits of modesty as shyness, and the seemly behavior that results from actively pursuing them.
Margaret discusses her early childhood of Sunday school, leaving and scorning all organized religion, and a class she took about Judaism and Islam in university.
Why does fine-tuning need an explanation? 2. What is
the most reasonable explanation of fine-tuning? 3. What about Multiverse
Hypothesis? 4. Conclusion of the argument for God’s existence by fine-tuning.
The original articles with detailed citations can be read here.
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