"Day of Judgment" is a concept found in various religions. As most other theoretical concepts in Islam, the concept of the day of judgment is authentically outline in the Islamic sacred texts (the Quran & the prophetic traditions). In this lecture Dr. Philips (an Islamic theologian) briefly explains the Islamic concept of the day of judgment.
The veil and its meaning in Islam and the Judeo-Christian tradition, as well as a brief look at the Islamic stance towards women. Part 2: Women in relation to sex, education, and the original sin in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Main Speaker: AbdurRahman Mahdi, www.Quran.nu, (edited by IslamReligion.com)
There are various prophecies mentioned in the
Quran which specifically addressed Prophet Muhammad. The fulfillment of these
prophecies has been well documented in the books of seerah, or the
biography of the Prophet as recorded by his disciples.
Growing up as a foster child, Michelle is amazed at the faith and patience of Muslims in times of adversity, eventually leading her to study and accept Islam.
Taken from a lecture that was given at McGill University in Canada on how Islam elevated the status of women. Part One: An explanation of the fundamental difference in world views between the West and Islam in regards to women, and a glimpse of Greek and Early Christian views on women.
The All-Mighty is the only Creator. He is the one that created all, and non had created him. With this prefix in ones mind, it is easy to comprehend that God -the All-Mighty- is not part of his creation. In this lecture, Yusuf Estes briefly touches on this Islamic belief.
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