In the Night of Decree all that will happen till the coming year is decided by God Almighty, therefore making it a night of sincere asking and praying to God. Other acts of worship in Ramadan include seclusion in a mosque, helping the poor and visiting Mecca.
Main Speaker: Dr. M. Amir Ali (edited by
The following series of articles mention the Major Signs that will occur shortly before the end of the world and the coming of the Day of Judgment. This part includes the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad on the coming of the false Messiah, how to recognize him by certain physical features and other special signs.
Why did God give us and intellect? What does Islam really mean? What was the real religion of the prophets before us? All that and more is answered very clearly in this video!
The concept that numerous facts present in nature prove the existence of God, as well as how the theory of irreducible complexity contradicts the theories of Darwin.
Prophecies of the Prophet Muhammad which were
fulfilled in his lifetime and after his death. These prophecies are clear
proofs of Muhammad’s prophethoodmay the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
This video serves to showcase the truth about Islam by clearing many of its misconceptions. It also brings the dialogue back to the basics of what Islam is really all about.
Hajj is one of the five main pillars of Islam. In this episode of "TheDeenShow" Yusuf Estes takes the viewers through a tour of Hajj on-site from Saudi Arabia!
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