How Islam spread into sub-Saharan region of West Africa, and the great civilizations it established there, taking its inhabitants out of paganism to the worship of One God. Part 2: A history of the empires of Mali and Songhay.
In this video you will learn about perspective of Muslim women on Hijab. As opposed to the subjective view of propagandists, Muslim women feel strongly about their urge to wear Hijab.
An explanation of hadith no. 36 from An-Nawawi's Forty
Hadith. The hadith highlights several praiseworthy characteristics that a
believer should inculcate.
In harmony with the spirit of Islam regarding
seeking knowledge, Muslims and the Islamic civilization played a crucial role
in the advancement of science and technology in the world we know today.
An introduction to the most puzzling question of human history, and a discussion about the sources which can be used to find the answer. Part 3: A look into the Hindu Scriptures, and a conclusion to the subject.
All revelations came from the same source, and the prime
message has remained the same, namely the Oneness of God and the inevitability
of the Day of Judgement.
This video discusses key questions related to Islam and terrorism. The video uses Quranic verses and classical exegesis to clarify some of the related misconceptions.
This video explains how the natural laws were intelligently designed with finely tuned factors to produce a habitable universe. Therefore, God exists and universe has a cause.
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